I would love for this to be your go-to-guide for teachers, whether they are good or bad, but I am not supposed to name teachers. This semester on A Days I have biology, journalism 1, advanced algebra/accelerated geometry, and personal fitness. On B Days I have Spanish 2, American government, music technology, and lit/comp. I will start with my fist period B Day class, Biology. Since we aren’t supposed to name anyone, I won’t say who my teacher is, but if you have her, you will know whom I am talking about. She has the hardest to understand accent, and if you ask her a logical question she will go off and rant about how she already explained it and that I need to pay more attention because we laugh too much. But in reality, we are laughing at her because when she rants and every 15 seconds she inhales deeply like she has asthma. We recently got a new kid and he is super smart, he askes a lot of questions, but she always answers him with REAL answers. I was like ‘WHAT?!?’ no that isn’t fair! Whenever I have a logical question you get all mad and DON’T EVEN ANSWER IT!!! Uhhhhh!!! Anyways, in my second period class on B days is Journalism and that is a pretty easy class I guess, just make sure to do the work and turn it in on time. Third period I have math. It is the ‘accelerated algebra/ advanced geometry’ class. I have a high B or a low A in that class so I think that it is ok. My only problem is that in eighth grade I didn’t have any geometry when the people who lived here in Georgia did. Fourth period I have personal fitness, and we don’t do anything except go outside and walk around. I have a 100. On A days I have Spanish 2 and it isn’t too hard, I have found that if you actually pay attention it is pretty easy. Second period I have American Government, I am not a history star or anything so that is my hardest class. It’s not that he is a bad teacher, he actually a really good teacher, I just don’t like