As a global phenomenon, gender discrimination exists whether developed or developing countries. In Chinese labor relation, women were mainly discriminated against with. Lately, female in China more and more lie in a weak position in job market. In the condition of current Chinese market, labor market is gradually opened and grown up. However, lots of companies usually give many demands such as gender and age. This fact leads to a extrusive female encounter in Chinese job market. The female encounters the gender discrimination problem in Chinese job market through the understanding of the long course of the female employment, and there are three main causes of gender discrimination in Chinese job market, which is physiological cause, traditional culture prejudice and government policies and laws failure. The specialty of female’s physiology is a important reason for women discrimination in Chinese job market. First thing first is the disadvantage of women’s physical strength. China has a undeveloped social productive forces, this fact lead to an less access for women to get a job. For example, any work belong to heavy physical work will not suit for women. Secondly, women need particular physiological protection. Women have menses and need to procreate which not only cost company a lot of money to set health facility, but also cause a lower labor efficiency than men. Lastly, China has a imperfect birth insurance system. Most companies need to bear the hospitalization cost for women. As a consequence, those companies that have more female employee will have to spend more money than companies that have less female employee. This situation causes lots of companies not willing to employ female. In Chinese traditional culture, people think women are always the “accessory” for men, and men does better than women no matter in what aspect. First, in China the traditional roles for men and women constantly are men go to work for money