I awoke on the darkest day I could remember. The dark clouds never separated from the sky and I was shrouded in never-ending darkness. Piles of corpses and explosions everywhere. Let me tell you the story of how it all happened. My name is Amir _______ and I am 14 years old. My family was poor but we still cherished our lives even in the state we were in. I always wanted to go to school but my family never had the money for an education for me. Life was normal for us in our little shelter. Till the day came when it all happened My family and I had heard about the war between India and Pakistan, we were scared since then that they would come for us. And then the day came when they did It was late on the 9th of September 1947, I heard a loud bang come from behind me, and I turned rapidly to see what it was there in front of me stood a fearless Pakistani solider. We were all scared, my heart felt like it was trying to push it way out from my chest. I clenched myself for death, but instead the man told me too “get up immediately and follow me”. I was uneducated and didn’t know what to do, then another solider came in and shouted “Stand up” while pointing his rifle at me without any warning. The only thing that could come out of my mouth was “II don’t understand what we did?” “Nothing wrong.” The solider then replied “Do you not understand, just come with us!” “Of course”, I then replied. “That’s sir to you”, he corrected me. “And hurry on now!” And we went on our way to the foggy mountains. I took one quick glance back at my family and wondered to myself if I would ever see them again, whilst the solider were pushing me in front of them with their rifles. It took us 7 hours to reach where they soldiers were taking me, I did a lot of thinking wondered why they were doing this and where we were going, I just prayed to god that I’d be able to spend more time with my family. Right at the bottom of the m