What would someone do if they lost everything? Their home, family, even their livelihood. Homelessness is a very complex problem that needs a rapid response. Everyday thousands of men, women, and children live on the streets, in shelters or in transition homes. Homelessness can be defined as a temporary condition when people cannot afford to pay for a place to live, when their current home is unsafe or unstable. Homelessness is something seen on the daily basis, people living under bridges, sitting on corners, and wandering aimlessly. Americans are affected by this because they have to witness the pain and suffering of the homeless. The county a homeless person occupies should provide housing and opportunities for the homeless to get back on their feet. Providing housing and assistance could give them protection, it would allow them a chance to improve their health and well being, and it could decrease crime rates in the county or community as well. Homeless people shouldn’t have to live on roads, under bridges or on a corner. They need a safe and proper place to eat, sleep, and bathe. Some causes of homelessness could be unemployment, low pay, change in employment opportunities, housing markets, mental illnesses, drug and alcohol abuse, traumatic experiences, and little or no education . All of the factors listed can contribute to the reason a person may become homeless. Sometimes the turn of events is beyond the person’s control so no one can say its their own fault they are in the position they are in. Although homeless can go and get help it is hard for them to think critically at a time where they have to worry where they will be staying, sleeping, or what they will be eating for their next meal. On a single night in January 2013, there were 610,042 people experiencing homelessness. 394,698 were staying in sheltered locations while 215,344 were in unsheltered locations. If the county a homeless person occupies provides housing and assistance for the individual or individuals it would offer them protection from the harsh life of the streets and shelters. Homeless shelters aren’t always safe , they just give you a place to eat and sleep, it could be safer than the streets but nothing is safer than your own home. There are many dangers associated with being homeless, which homeless people have to face on a daily basis. These are situations in which most people of the general population don’t usually experience from day to day. Living outdoors without the safety of locked doors, homeless people always risk being robbed, beaten, and even killed. There have been may reports of homeless people