
The Influence of My Parents

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I've had many great people who have come into my life, but I would have to say that my parents have influenced me more than anyone else. They are my biggest supporters and push my to do my best. As I grew up, they taught me morals and values that I still keep in high standards today. I learned that to receive respect, I have to treat others with respect first. That is one very important lesson that I will never forget. They also showed me how to be a leader by example. My parents would be the people that would volunteer to lead a group if no one else would and then devote 100% of themselves to the task at hand. Best of all, when it came to a challenge, they never backed down and keep trying until they figured out a solution. With them teaching me these things as I grew up, I feel that I had better relationships with my co-workers and other colleagues. Another great way my parents influenced me was teaching me how to communicate with other people. My parents are very good at making conversation with strangers when we are in public. My dad is a man that will strike up a conversation with a stranger that is standing in front of us at any store or restaurant. With my mom being a teacher, she has to constantly talk with parents and discuss how her students are doing in class. She points out the positive things that the child is doing right instead of focusing on the negative things that the child may have done. That itself is a great talent I would like to acquire from her. One of the greatest things my parents have done to influence me is teaching me about sacrifice. Sometimes in life you might have to give something up to make someone else happy. My parents are a great example of this. They gave up many things to put my happiness before their own. I do not think I could ever thank them enough for everything they have done and given up for me. For them to give before they receive, I think is one great way my parents have influenced me

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