
Overview of A Good Man is Hard to Find

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The story, "A Good Man Is Hard To Find," shows sincere belief of religion and pretentious belief of religion. People, who believe religion sincerely, are sincere to their life and behave with proper hierarchy of values. However, people, who has pretentious beliefs, behave how they think it is right. But this behavior can bring bad consequences since their beliefs of religion is usually wrong logically and ethically. Moreover, pretentious beliefs of religion even deny their own belief. In this short story, through the main characters, Misfit and grandmother, it shows the process and consequence for pretentious belief of religion to reach the sincere belief. Grandmother thinks that she can influence The Misfit by telling him her belief and turns conversation to religion. Flannery O'Connor described, "The grandmother noticed how thin his shoulder blades were just behind his hat because she was standing up looking down on him. "Do you every pray?" she asked" (8). She keeps asking him to pray, but it didn't inspire him at all. However, ironically, they find enlightenment through violence later on. Understanding themselves and their surrounding, and realization of religious truth accompany a big impact. The impact is strong enough that destroys the pretentious beliefs, so enlightenment would be violent that can lead to death. Both characters have faced with more shock when they experienced a moment of truth due to their pretentious faith, and the consequences are death and murder. Grandmother pretends she is very religious. Grandmother pretends she is very religious. Due to prejudice and arrogance, she didn't even try to look The Misfit deeply and just thinks that The Misfit is uncivilized and insincere. At the end of the story, grandmother is threatened and falls into confusion. However, as she sees that The Misfit is regretting himself, her mind cleared. The author writes, " She saw the man's face twisted close to her own as if he were g

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