The length of architecture could be a little tiny piece of pencil to the entire broad Milky Way it’s upon us to explore the form of architecture that defines us. The term modern architecture is ambiguous. It can be understood to refer to all buildings of the modern period regardless of their ideological basis, or it can be understood more specifically as an architecture conscious of its own modernity and striving for change.’ Modern architecture is a category that usually complements buildings of the 20th and 21st century. It would include Bauhaus / International styles (sometimes used to describe Bauhaus architecture in United States) and also brutalism. Modernism was a reaction against eclecticism and the lavish stylistic excesses of the Art Deco, Art Nouveau and the Victorian ages. However, it is still a matter of taste. Even though Bauhaus, a German design school 3 (Operated from 1919-33 By founder Walter Gropius, then by Hans Mayer and Ludwig Mies der Van Rohe) which had profoundly influenced arts and architecture had been more concerned with social aspects of design; nonetheless, International style soon became a symbolism of Capitalism. To every (well, most of) architectural students or architects, living in the world of Le Corbusier would be like a trip to Narnia (whether you like it or not). We’ve heard so much about him, his creation and his legacy. His works stand today, still looking as “modern” as he intended to. Thus, proving that the concept of never be “out of style” in his modern buildings true. Whether do you agree with his theory or not, you have to give the man some credits, remembering that he had achieved all of what seems today as “normal” in the first half of the 20th century and most of the buildings nowadays inevitably had some of his influences more or less. According to his manifesto, “a house is the machine for living” in the sense that should have been governed by calculations and “standards”. Le Corbusier was fascinated with the idea of “mass production” (remembering that this was in the early 20th century), factories fascinated him with their simple forms and pure functions as with automobiles which were mass produced and designed to fit a certain standard. To achieve the utmost perfection, there must be a certain standards which derives from various calculations and experiments, Le Corbusier believes that all humans have a certain standards and are physically the same, he went further to the point of “objectifying” his name from “Charles-Edouard Jeanneret” to Le Corbusier, “Le” means “the”. The reason that his buildings are all so minimal is because he believed in the true pure primary forms, which he believed that “they can be clearly appreciated”. Gothic buildings, are not true architecture, “the styles are a lie”. Nevertheless, architectures from the past that he did admire were the pyramids, Pont du Gard and also the Parthenon all of which he stated, to have been derived from some standards and precise calculations. Thus, it almost all of his buildings, the simple pure geometrical forms became the most recognizable feature of his architecture as eventually what we recognize in most modern building nowadays. Playtime - A Film by Jacques Tati Besides from moving to a little town in Northern India called “Chandigargh” where his “Radiant city” had been made into reality, a film by Jacques Tati, “Playtime” offer you quite a good idea of what would it be like if his creation and principles were made into reality. The film displays the struggle of an out-of-town man hoping to meet up with a man in Le Corbusier’s version of Paris. Here, the director’s point of view towards Corbusier was clear, that it would be a blunt, grey, boring society where everything, everywhere and everyone would sort of look the same. The modern standards and mass-produced society would erases identity to the point that we only recognize it’s Paris by the old French lady selling flowers at the street corner. I personally admired Le Corbusier who came up with all of these things that today, seems ordinary. We have to admit that without some o