What is reconciliation? According to the Australian Government (2013) in Australia, “Reconciliation is about unity and respect between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and non-Indigenous Australians. It is about respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and valuing justice and equity for all Australians.” In Australia, reconciliation is an ever-present issue, never truly achieved, the latest attempt being Kevin Rudd’s, presented in parliament and broadcast to the nation, in 2008. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s historic apology speech to the Stolen Generation provided future hope of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. However this hope has been largely extinguished as a result of failing to meet the ‘Closing the Gap’ promises, and the continued rise of Indigenous degradation. “My proposal is this: if the apology we extend today is accepted in the spirit of reconciliation in which it is offered, we can today resolve together that there be a new beginning for Australia.” proclaimed Kevin Rudd in his apology speech (The House of Representatives, 2008, pg. 169). This speech, presented on“in order to absorb or assimilate the children into the wider, non-Indigenous community so that their unique cultural values and identities would disappear.” February 13th 2008, in Parliament reflected upon the past mistreatment of Indigenous Australians, with a focus on the ‘Stolen Generations’. The term, ‘Stolen Generations’ refers to at least 100,000 Aboriginal children who were forcibly removed or taken under duress from their families by police or welfare officers between 1910 and 1970 (SBS Staff, 2012) “in order to absorb or assimilate the children into the wider, non-Indigenous community so that their unique cultural values and identities would disappear.” (NAMALATA THUSI, Issue 04). The blatant disregard of basic human rights conducted and approved by the past federal governments of Australia hindered the efforts of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. To remedy the cultural divide, in 1997 the ‘Bringing them home’ report was written, a report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families tabled in Federal Parliament. The report offered a cohesive study of the Stolen Generations including detailed recommendations of the methods in which reparations could be made. The Bringing them home report is the esse