It is common knowledge that community and municipal recreation facilities such as parks, wellness centers, pools, etc. do not receive as much funding as they would like or even need to operate efficiently. Recreation is at the bottom of the list when it comes to granting funds for improvements and sustaining the field. Community and municipal recreation facilities rely on grants and donations along with the fees they charge to keep things in working order. The problem with that is that the fees they charge have to be affordable, and therefore do not account for a large portion of the funding they have for maintenance, staffing, and training. According to a survey that was distributed to park directors across the country by a group called Resources for the Future, parks around the nation have revealed that a major issue is lack of funds for various aspects of the parks. Forty-two out of the 44 parks that responded to the survey stated that in some way (minor-huge) funding for land acquisition was a challenge. This shows that the use of parks is growing and that parks are running out of available space for the people that use them. Another result from the survey I found to be a big interest was that all 44 parks had a challenge with insufficient funds for park operation and maintenance. This is by far the most important result from the survey. If the parks don't have the funds to operate, then they will be forced to shut down. If the parks were to shut down, then there would not be a place for people to go to experience the outdoors and hold events in a free public place. A lot of people utilize parks because they are free to access and because they have multiple uses. According to a study done by Pascale Joassart-Marcelli, local funding for parks and recreation resources is highly uneven (from less than 1 to over 500 per capita annually). Because most park and recreation spending originates at the local level, fiscally healthier ci