
My Love of Reading and Writing

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Normally, my papers would start out with a really cool first sentence trying to get the reader’s attention. However, this is not a normal paper. This paper is all about me and how I came to reading and writing. I, like many others in this world, started out in preschool. I went to a private Christian school in Marion, IN. For the rest of my grade school life I went to public schools in Marion, and then for middle school and high school I went to Mississinewa in Gas City. When I was young I was always read to. My mom read to me at night time and my grandma always read to me when I stayed with her. My first book that was ever read to me was called Kylee and the Disney Babies. You will never find this book anywhere because my grandma actually got a hold of the author and had her re-write the book and fit me in and make up a story just for me. I guess you could say I was spoiled a little. That was the first book I learned to read also. With it being a book about me and all my favorite Disney characters I learned how to read quickly because it interested me very much. I read that book all the time. However, when it came time to me reading other books, it took me quite some time to read and figure things out. They finally realized it was because I never really learned how to read. I just remembered what I had heard when being read to and memorized it by the pictures and others reading it to me. It took me quite some time to actually learn to read. My first book that I read all by my self was Charlotte's Webb. I loved that book. Since I loved that book I thought I was going to love reading other books so my parents and other family members bought me books similar to Charlotte's Webb. I did not like those books, though. I have learned from that and from many years of having to read different books for school that I do not enjoy reading. There have been a handful of books that I have actually enjoyed and read all the way through in my life.

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