There are many important reasons why GM foods are around today. For one, GM foods are nutritious. They give people the nutritious they need daily. Without GM foods people wouldn’t get essential vitamins. You may not realize it but you get your vitamins from many different GM foods. That’s why its important that they’re around. Most GM contains vitamins that give them a longer shelf life. You know how when bananas or apples sit out too long they start to rot and turn brown? Well that’s why GM foods contain vitamins, so therefore they won’t rot as quick. That’s actually good because you can let them sit longer because they contain those vitamins that are helping them stay pure. The process used to make GM foods refer to techniques used to manipulate the things that aren’t useful by adding specific genes that may actually be useful. These genes are a sequence of DNA that contains information that determines a particular characteristic or trait. First, the genes have to go though isolation. Then go through the insertion of the genes through a transfer vector. Next it has to go through plant transformation, along with selection of the modified plant cells. After that it has to go through regeneration and verification of the inserted DNA fragments. Lastly there’s a testing of the plants performance. This is to see if anything went wrong or if something want done correctly. Environmental activists, religious organizations, public interest groups, professional associations, and other scientists have all raised concerns about GM foods. They’ve also criticized the process GM foods go through. In their opinion the process GM foods go though isn’t healthy. Many of these different organizations ask the question of “what if things are put in there that aren’t supposed to be in there?” There’s really no answer to that question. Everyone has a strong opinion on GM foods, so it’s always going to be one or the other. Eithe