
Reflections on High School

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“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...”; this story is interesting because it is still being written. As a junior in the Early College Academy, I will never get to experience being a true senior. High School has been a lot of things but mainly it’s just been the same as middle school, love and hate. I love this school and my journey through it has been pretty life changing. As a freshman coming in, I thought I was pretty cool. At Eastern Guilford Middle School in 8th grade, I was a top wrestler, talked to a lot girls and was pretty outspoken. Then suddenly it was like being in sixth grade all over again. I didn’t know how to get around the school nor did I know who to talk to about anything, people were so much larger and everyone dressed so much differently than I was accustomed because I had been wearing a uniform since the 3rd grade. Luckily, laughter is a universal language and I made some news friends almost immediately, friends that I am still close to today and will probably be around for the rest of my life. Coming into high school, I wasn’t the richest kid so I didn’t have all the fresh clothes, I was decent and it could have been far worst but still I was far from the top. I thought that I knew how to talk to females but when I got to Dudley, things changed. Eventually I gave on trying to be popular and focused my attention to trying to be a freshman star wrestler. I met coach Quentin Crosby about week after school started and this man absolutely changed my outlook on life. He boosted my confidence to a level that I had no idea even existed and h made me believe that I could be the best wrestler of all time. Even being in the academy, my classes weren’t horrible and I got by fairly easy and as freshman on varsity I dedicated my life to wrestling for that man Coach Crosby and my freshman year was pretty amazing, I would actually love to experience it all over again because looking back on it was

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