There are many different types of people in this world of all shapes and sizes. Coming into a more fair and understanding era, the new generation claims that beauty can be found out of all of these differences, because this is a generation of equality and equalitarianism. People are more open minded to being different, whether if it’s the color of our skin, the way we dress, our gender preferences, or the way we look. Promoting gay rights, women’s equality, zero race division, and all people being viewed on the same fair level; that is what this world would truly be like, if we lived in a different world. Don’t get me wrong, all of these ideas of equal rights ring a nice little bell in my ears, and in some ways they are being fought for, but the concept of this new generation being open to different types of people is as truthful as a recovering alcoholic with a hangover. No matter if it is 2015, or 1975, or 1925 being “different” will never really be accepted. As time goes on, through all eras and generations, concepts become more open and accepting to new ideas, that is a fact. It just so happens that although these ideas have changed the world-in some ways for the better-nothing deep down really has changed much. In the early 1900’s, women being soft and curvy was considered beautiful, men had all of the power, if you were gay you hid in a closet and prayed for forgiveness, if you were black you were rarely allowed to be near whites, if you were different you were considered to be wrong. The late 1900’s brought on modernization; women found a little more power by using their bare legs, men still had the upper hand, if you were gay you had AIDS, if you were black you chose not to hang around whites, and if you were different you were obviously smoking that pipe too much. Here, in the wonderful modern-day 2000’s, the equality is through the roof. Women go in monthly to cut their faces up to look the part, wealthy men r