Society Blows sex out of proportion. They fill teen’s minds up with so many different ideas of sex. Teens hear so many messages that it is a good idea to have sex from songs as well as talks at school. “ 80% of teen guys say that they think there is way too much pressure from society to have sex” (Waiting). But still abstinence for many is not a viable option which leaves many puzzled as to why. Abstinence is the fact or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something. It is said that most teen regret having sex and wish that they would have waited longer because sex is so complicated and causes confusion. Abstinence is the best course for teen because it can prevent disease, the thought of abortion/pregnancy, and emotional stress. There are so many different disease as well as infection you can obtain from having sex and some of those disease are life threatening. STD’s better known as sexually transmitted disease are spread from one person to another during sexual contact. “More than half of the world will get an STD at some time in their live” (safe sex). A few examples of STD include Genital warts, Herpes, HIV & AIDS, Hepatitis B, and Chlamydia. Abstinence stops the transmission of disease 100% of the time nothing could ever go wrong. Say a teen decides to have sex with their partner and he or she has slept with other people, now you have slept with those people even though it was not physically. If their partner catches something they will also obtain whatever he or she has Caught. Some STD’s may be treated and some you will live with forever so keep that in mind. Pregnancy and children are a beautiful thing but not so early in your teenage years when you have so much more time to live your life. This is why so many first time teen pregnancies end in abortion. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of a pregnancy. It is so hard to even