
Inequality in the Film Idustry

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Women around the world today still face overbearing challenges involving inequality with men by encountering disadvantages in education, politics, health, and even basic human rights. This type of discrimination leads to insecurities that could suppress women from achieving their aspirations, which could even potentially threaten economic growth and social progress (Smith 2014). One particular social issue that is still prevalent today is the gender bias common in the U.S. film industry. Leading female roles are often stereotyped and sexualized while rarely portraying characters whom hold positions of power and importance in film. The percentage of female speaking characters in top-grossing movies has not considerably changed in about half a century despite the recent achievements by feminist movements, as reported by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). Along with being treated unfairly, women are also paid unfairly supposedly due to the differences in the kind and amount of human capital they acquire (Wharton 2004). Citizens today are gradually becoming more aware of this concern, yet not much has been done to change these recurring sexist problems that include objectifying women, decreasing their value as workers, and paying them unfairly. Since Adam and Eve, men have treated women as incompetent and uneducated human beings. Today women are usually expressed as sex symbols and are often casted as half-witted, ditsy characters that make unintelligent remarks to entertain an audience. Exposure to sexualized content and objectifying women can result in body shaming, appearance anxiety, and unrealistic ideals of how a female should look like (Yasmine 2015). Producers and directors would rather hire the actress with bigger breasts and the best complexion compared to the other individual who doesn’t generally care about her appearance as much, even if they had the same skills. Women are consistently asked to lose weight or

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