
The Pros and Cons of GM Foods

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Nowadays, most of the plants we eat genetically modified (GM) food, which is never occur in the nature. Many scientists are devoted to modify food through gene technology. It can increase food production, so that more plant pests. In addition, it can be very quickly and very accurately create plants with desirable traits accurate. For example, plant geneticists can isolate the gene responsible for drought and insert genes into different plant. The new transgenic plants will be drought tolerance as well. Not only from a plant gene to another, you can use genes from non-plant organisms The world's population has more than 6 billion people and is expected to double in the next 50 years. In order to ensure an adequate food supply this booming population will soon be a major challenge in the coming years. GM food guaranteed to meet this demand in a number of ways: Losses from pest resistant crops could be amazing, devastating economic losses for farmers and hunger in developing countries. Number of years farmers often use tons of chemical pesticides. Consumers do not want to eat has been used as pesticides in food, agricultural wastes and runoff potential health hazards of excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers, may poison the water supply, causing harm to the environment. Herbicide-tolerant crops on certain body, it is not cost-effective, such as arable land, removing weeds, so farmers often spray a lot of different herbicides (herbicides) to destroy weeds, when consumption and expensive process that requires careful not to damage crops and herbicides environment. Genetic engineering of crop plants has become a very powerful anti-herbicide can help prevent damage to the environment, reduce the amount of herbicide needed. In addition, drought and salt as the world population grows and more land for housing, rather than food production, farmers need not fit in the original location of plants cultivated crops. Create plants that can with

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