For many people, the idea of a zombie apocalypse is only in the movies or in the back of the imagination. It can be hard for some people to take the idea of this nightmare, and turn it into a devastating event of life. Many people say it will never happen but for people like me think that the world can open many doors too and show us some of the most scary and crazy things. 0..Back in World War II, Nazi human experimentation was medically performed on a large number of people in the concentration camps. They would run test on kids, adults, and even dead bodies. They were able to get a dead corpse to open its eyes and attempt to sit up on a table before its body fell back to the table and did not move again. Many people may call this a onetime freak accident, but what can shock many people is that they were not the only people to attempt experiments. In the 1940s, Soviet Scientist were able to bring the dead back to life. This very technology will drive the force behind the future zombie apocalypse. The scientists were able to take a dead dog and make it come back to life for over 30 minutes. Even with the dog back to life it was showing signs of rapid like animal activity, and was reported to be attempting to attack anything that moved. It has been rumored that the scientist did the same experiments on a dead human body but there is no proof that has been released that can support this. Due to the fact that they were willing to do it to a dog many think that it would be nothing shocking if they did try it on a human. For many people they would look for a leader in the states or even USA for answers to the idea of zombies. It is official and an unclassified that a document called “CONOP 8888” does exist. It has been told that the military does have a plan and an order of how to overcome a zombie take over. It has even been said that in this document shows the scientific way that zombies could be created. The part of this that scare