Ring! Ring! Ring! The incessant sound of my home phone ringing would not let me sleep in the early hours of that morning of November 24, 2007. As an eleven year old little girl, I was in the middle of a very peaceful slumber, but I was awakened by the telephone ringing at around 4:30 or so in the morning. I opened my eyes and noticed that it was still very dark outside. At first I was infuriated that somebody would be calling that early in the morning. After thinking it over for a moment, my heart started to beat erratically. It was never good news when someone called in the middle of the night. I was still half asleep. But since the walls in our house were not that thick, I was able to listen to my dad as he got up to answer the phone. I could tell that he was tremendously irritated that someone was calling at that time as well. “What? Who is it?” I heard him say. The longer he stayed on the phone, the more I could hear his voice soften and become full of concern. I could immediately tell that something was wrong. At this point I was sitting up in bed, fully awake and trying to figure out what was wrong. Once my dad got off of the phone, I could hear that he was talking to my mom. I could not make out anything that was being said, but I could tell that they were both very distraught. I heard my dad say that it was his younger sister, my Aunt Kelly, that had been living in Chico, California at the time, that was on the phone but I had no idea why. She hadn’t spoken to us for several years so I was extremely confused as to why she was calling. As I tried to figure out exactly what was going on, I started to drift back to sleep. I was lying down, but not fully asleep. My mind was wondering what the uproar was all about. I noticed some time later that my dad was on the phone again and heard my mom on her cell phone. I could hear the apprehension in both of their voices, but I was still unable to figure out what was going on. I had