Kiersey Temperament Sorter-Guardian I am working on my own business and one of the areas I am strong at is managing goods services to my family and my coworkers. I learned about being a good leader requires starting with ethical behavior. That is why I think my result for Kiersey Temperament Sorter was guardian, because I make sure I can balance school, work, business, and my own family. This can be defined as ethics concern for people and moral judgments about right and wrong decisions. Me and my wife started business that have developed a cultural values and norms to follow. In our business, we developed a system which is driven by culture and is the biggest influence that dictates what is wrong and right for us. Ethical behavior and my guardian result from Keirsey Temperament can bring significant benefits to my work and family life because I will attract people and use my skills to keep things fun and happy for them. I mostly focus making people happy and facilitating harmonious relationships in any environment (Custom Keirsey Temperament Report). My Guardian result from Keirsey Temperament is the guideline for me and my wife to use to help the business make better decision. In our own business this is an area that is being developed into more written rule. For example Code of Ethics guidelines will help me and my wife to know what the company accepts is the right practices. Also control the behavior inside the business by writing rules that can help the business with communication and decisions. Some of my guarding skills are training my good ethics to help resolve any issue that may come up in work and life I will use the same training method also to get better results in our business. Even though I do not have any management experience for our business I will use my people skills and teamwork. The only weakness that I have in my Keirsey Temperament result is that I spend so much time helping ours and making them pleased with me that I forgot to give myself anything that makes me happy. Guardian can have a lot of fun with friends but are mostly serious about their duties and responsibilities (Custom Keirsey Temperament Report). Self-Monitoring My self-monitor result was 52 on a scale of 0 to 100 which means I am between low self-monitor and high self-monitor. I tend to be better in research and projected based work and use internal values and my beliefs to decide the way to behave (Self-Monitoring.) If I want to be a good manager, I must use my strongest skills first and then work on improve my other skills. When me and my wife start our business the first steps we take was writing a good mission statement. Then find out what the company aims to do by finding the purpose of the business and ask ourselves if the mission statement is correct and will it motivate us to act the right way? Clear all our doubts as new business owners before moving on to the next step. Second, we cre