
Biography of Attila The Hun

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Attila the Hun, one of the most barbaric leaders of the Hunnic Empire, is considered one of the most ruthless leaders of all time for his role in devastating lands from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, which sent fear deep into the Roman Empire. Born in 406 AD, in what is now Hungary, Attila the Hun was labeled as “Flagellum Dei” (Scourge of God). Attila shared the Hunnic Empire with his brother, Bleda, in 434 AD ,and eventually, he had his brother assassinated to give him sole power over the entire Hunnic Empire in 445 AD. From there, Attila expanded his empire to obtain the support of many Germanic tribes and eventually attacked the Eastern and Western Roman Empire. Though he attacked The Eastern and Western Roman Empire, he never attacked Constantinople or Rome, leaving a divided family after his death from a nosebleed on his wedding night in 453 AD. His oldest son and successor, Ellac, fought with his two other brothers, Dengizich and Ernakh, for years over their father’s empire. The empire was eventually divided among the three of them. Attila the Hun had a very interesting and unorthodox strategy when it came to battling an opposing force, or invading a town. His military strategy was very simple; Attack and kill until they surrendered, or if he could not overpower them, pressure them until they pay a tribute - in essence, protection money- to him. After all that he was said and done, Attila would wait about a year and go back with the same threat, but this time, he would increase his threat tremendously. A prime example of his attack strategy would date back to 434 AD, when Theodosius II paid Attila a tribute, but Attila broke the treaty, obliterating towns along the Danube river. He eventually got to the empire’s interior and demolished Naissus and Serdica (Sofia). Once done, Attila headed toward Constantinople. He defeated all of the main Eastern Roman forces in all of the many battles he encountered on his way

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