
Young Girls and Beauty Pageants

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It is seven in the morning on Saturday, a groggy eight year old girl walks through the hotel doors ready to start her long and tiresome day. Today is the pageant day, the day her and her parents have been waiting on. Her hair up in curlers and her nails freshly manicured. Hundreds of girls walk around her, facial expressions all the same, looking at the competition around them. Lines form at the sign in desk, everyone in a hurry to get in. A small coffee shop sits right inside, while girls as young as five sip on their sugary bundles of caffeine. She turns over to the left which sits a huge shimmery table full of tiaras and trophies waiting to be given as prizes to young girls while 3 men guard them. Then she looks to the right at a room full of chairs and then finally, a huge stage dressed in satin and sparkles. After that in they go, to the large dressing room with multiple booths, one set for each girl. All have large mirrors with flashy lights that show every imperfection that is soon to be fixed with a little concealer or hairspray. She walks with her parents in this crowded room past tiger moms and children throwing tantrums, finally they find an open booth. As they walk towards it, a 9 year old brunette who is wearing enough makeup to cover her whole body jumps in front of them and throws her stuff down like there is no tomorrow. Again they must find a new makeup and hair area, which they do five minutes down the large isle. Her mother pulls a huge fold out makeup bag out of her bag and begins her work. Then it starts, her day as a pageant contestant. Many people do not realize the struggles of the pageant life and what young girls go through for them. Over all the states should regulate adolescent beauty pageants because of the negative effects they cause including mental, physical, and economic damage to the family’s and the contestants. Many young girls have trouble making friends when they get older because they were taught to be very competitive at a young age. Child psychologists report that competition inhibits children from forming positive relationships with other children (Lieberman; 10). This takes a toll on their lifelong relationships too. Jealousy and envy cause confusion in children and “rifts” in relationships between friends and family members (Lieberman; 14). Many contestants have trouble separating their competitive tendencies from their home life. The competitive pressures manifest themselves into girls moods and attitudes (Lieberman; 12). Some girls are depicted as irritable and cranky when tryin

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