Kim has been in drug rehab for nine months, she gets a temporary leave to attend her sister Rachel’s wedding. She is staying at her dads and stepmother's house where the wedding is going to take place. When her sister Rachel sees her she seems genuinely happy she was able to make it. It is very obvious there is a lot of tension in the family. The father dotes on Kim watching her every move, so she doesn’t take a wrong turn. Kim gets hurt when she discovered her sister Rachel has asked someone else to be her maid of honor. When she voices her anger concerning this Rachel changes her mind and makes Kim her maid of honor. During the rehearsal dinner Kim is not seated with the rest of the family she is put at the end of the table with Rachel’s friends. Kim feels very left out and shows her resentment by toasting the couple by apologizing for everything she has done wrong in her life. Because of this Kim and Rachel end up having a big fight and Rachel announces she is pregnant. During all the chaos Rachel has to leave daily to attend her meetings for addiction. While in a session, she opens up and tells the members about a tragedy that happened to her a few years earlier. When she was 16 she had taken a bunch of Percocet’s and was taking care of her baby brother. She took him to a park close by , on the way home she lost control of the car drove off a bridge into a lake. Her brother was trapped in the car strapped in his car seat and drowned. Kim tried to get him out but was unable to do so. She has never forgiven herself for this. The sisters and brides maids are getting their hair done for the wedding , when a man from Kim’s rehab approaches her and begins to thank her for the strength she gave him on having dealt with having been molested by an uncle and having to take care of her sister who was anorexic. Rachel hears the man and storms out of the salon; she is so upset because the story he was talking about turns out to be not