A trending news topic is police brutality. Police brutality defined is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. “Excessive use of force” means a force well beyond what would be necessary in order to handle a situation. Police brutality is a serious situation that should not be taken lightly. If the people that are trusted to protect us from harm are the ones in fact causing the issue there is then an imbalance in the system. Police brutality affects the entire community and not just the person directly affected by the police. In famous cases of police brutality, such as Rodney King and most recent Mike Brown, victims were either killed or badly beaten by a police officer. The reason behind their actions are never clear. And by “clear”, their actions do not add up as good enough reason to continue with forceful action. In result to these two cases, there were several riots and uproars out of anger and the spirit of avengement for the victims. For weeks after the Rodney King beating the media was filled with shocking and even saddening sights of the peoples’ response. The violence and crime rose. The case of Rodney King even had its own effect on the music of that era. Songs were released as a means of hoping to see justice in a more peaceful manner. A perfect example of a song written and released during that era is “Fight the Power” by public enemy. More recently with the Mike Brown incident, people are having the same response and rioting as well destroying property until they see justice being served. Even the responses given that are supposed to be means to get attention and right the wrongs are being handled in questionable manners. People being arrested for allegedly looting while in the process of rioting over Mike Brown did nothing but stir up a bigger fuss. Questions that come to mind when thinking of police brutality vary. An immediately thought of question would be