For the majority of my life, I'd thought that rich people were much better than the middle class people or the people in poverty. Growing up, the only goal in life was to become rich so my family could have a better life, I would think that having the money and all the attention on me would make my situation better. But as I grew up and began to understand life and the people of this world I realized that the things I once wanted was artificial and didn’t last long. I also realized that the rich people we look up to and want to be so bad is no different from any man or women that is struggling in middle class or that is in poverty. The vast majority of people we see in the limelight or with all of the attention focused on them, tend to paint a picture that their lives have become perfect ever since they have become rich. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t want to rich because there are a lot of things that money can help with, such as providing for your family. But I don’t believe we should make that the vocal point of our happiness. Not everything about a person with money is wrong, a lot of them started in poverty and had a drive to make a better life for them. They were willing to do whatever it takes to put their family in a better situation than before. A lot of people in this country look down on people in poverty, especially the people with power and money. They tend to feel like they’re better than them because their bank account is larger, but the truth of the matter is that a lot of those people in poverty are happier and more grateful for the little things in life. People that tend to not have a lot of materialistic things in life is more prone to see what it’s like to truly have a family, that you can talk and constantly spend time with. They appreciate the little things people do for them and don’t take anything for granted because they know how it feels to have nothing. In conclusion, I feel like the rich a