
My College Community

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Many people know that different communities have varieties of groups and subcultures. What some people do not know is that college itself has the same thing, and is its own community. My college community at Capital University has so many different subcultures and categories of people that it is ridiculous. My college community has hipsters, nerds, sororities and fraternities, party people and more. The list just goes on and on. I feel like me and my friends fit into our own little category. The category description I would put my friends and myself into is slightly different from the rest. The description would be something like: People that focus on their work and have fun at the same time, and people that party on the weekends. I have recently realized that it could actually be a category. However, there are some people that are just strictly into their academics and nothing else. Those would be considered the people that we would call weird and nerds. Then again, you have people that do not really focus on academics and focus on the parties that go on every weekend, or something fun happening at that given moment. Different majors kind of play a part in what kind of social life you have. If you have a difficult major with eighteen credit hours like Chemistry or Biochemistry, you might be more focused on your school work than a party that is going on over the weekend. I happen to be a Biology major with only fourteen credit hours, so I still have time to do my homework and party on the weekends. When I do have homework it is never a lot, and I can always balance it with my extra-curricular activities. Majors can also play as a subculture. Most of the time, the Biology majors stick together because we help each other out with studying and homework. Other majors that stick together are Business, Chemistry, English, and Athletic Training. Of course you would think all of the same majors would hang out together, but that is not alway

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