
A Scene from The Odyessy

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As Athena and Odysseus are walking back to the castle, they hear a faint noise coming from the sky. The noise happens again, but louder this time, and Odysseus realizes what the noise is. “Could this really be...?” Odysseus says as in the blink of an eye, nine gods and goddesses appear in front of Athena and Odysseus. “Ah yes, its been a while hasn’t it, Odysseus?” Says Ares, God of war. “We noticed that Athena ruined the party so we decided to throw our own!” Says Dionysus, God of parties and festivals. Odysseus and Athena are still standing there, speechless. Odysseus is quite glad the Gods and Goddesses have shown. Odysseus finally finds the words to say, “Well, I’m touched that mostly everyone has shown and if its a free for all you want, I will not hold back.” “I will not be apart of this.” Says Athena, “If you need me I will be at the castle and also, try not to destroy the island.” As Athena walks away, everybody chuckles and Ares says, “No promises.” The Gods and Goddesses explain what will go down and the rules. “The rules simply are, there are no rules. This is a free for all where holding back will not be tolerated. Anybody who decides to show the smallest sign of holding back, shall be punished. Any questions?” Says Zeus, King of the Gods. “Let this go down in history as the greatest and most fiercest battle that ever went down.” The great Apollo said. Before the battle can begin, Zeus must say the names of every person involved. “Apollo, God of light, Ares, God of war, Artemis, virgin Goddess of the hunt, Dionysus, God of parties and festivals, Hera, Queen of the heavens, Hermes, God of boundaries, Hades, King of the underworld, and finally, Poseidon, God of the sea.” Everyone now spreads out to give room and get ready. “Let the battle commence!” Says Zeus as he strikes a lightning bolt at the ground to symbolize the match has begun. Odysseus, with his sword, quickly charges

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