“The whole universe depends on everything fitting together just right. If one piece busts, even the smallest piece...the entire universe will get busted” (BOTSW). Hushpuppy was just a child who believed her world was coming to an end. This film was very rigorous and dramatic. It made you think, what if that was me in that situation, what would I have done? Beasts of the Southern Wild was a film about a little girl who lived with her father at the “edge of the world." Her father showed her the toughest love to prepare her for when he departed and she had to live on her own. Hushpuppy was so fed up with her father that she hit him and her world came “crashing down”. Her father very ill and was unable to take care of her as he was before. She began having to go out on her own and do what she could without him. When he finally left she realized that it was her duty to take care of the “bathtub” (the small community they lived in) as her father would. Beasts of the Southern Wild had a dramatic and action theme. In the movie Hushpuppy and her father stayed in a community they called “the bathtub." The bathtub is right next to the levees in Louisiana. The bathtub location was chosen because it showed what trouble there was in that part of Louisiana. This area was hit most with hurricanes, rising sea levels and erosion. In my opinion, this area was perfect because it made the movie more dramatic. The story is told in a narrative pattern. It begins by showing the life of Hushpuppy and her father in the bathtub, and their living situations. It goes on to show their struggle and what they have to do to live, and it comes to the end, the father’s death. Narrative is from a -> b. The director appeals to the audience’s emotions in many ways in this movie, one way is when Hushpuppy punches her father in the chest and he falls to the ground and then the thunder sounds. Hushpuppy then says, “I think I broke something” and then b