
Finding Success in School

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Ask a little child what they want to be when they grow up and the answers you’ll usually get are something along the lines of president, astronaut, or doctor. It is interesting that most of the things people wish to become in life are careers that require education. Yet it’s not easy. School takes great effort on ones part to complete. And with more and more people choosing higher education, the amount of time spent in the classroom to become marketable in the workplace is increasing. Yet the keys for success in education are the same as the ones in the real world. If you can learn good time keeping, communication, and motivation skills in college, then you’ll be able to apply those skills towards your goals post-graduation, and reach your goals in the rest of your life. They say that procrastination is a coping mechanism practically all humans suffer from. We avoid doing something that we find emotionally disagreeable and instead replace it with something that we enjoy to make us happy. The problem is that procrastination feeds on itself. When you put off doing something or miss a deadline you experience regret and remorse, and ultimately you feel culpable for your lack of responsibility. This in turn makes you less likely to try become responsible, thus pushing you farther and farther behind. In school, this could be a missed assignment, or a missed day of class. The shame that you feel from not doing the assignment or going to class makes you more likely to skip another assignment or another class. It would be easy to say just to plan your time more effectively, but there will be times when we find ourselves in situations where we did not do that and still have a responsibility to fulfill. In those times what I do is I try to do the best that I possibly can given the circumstance. You would be surprised what you are capable of accomplishing. A person much wiser than I said that stress is good. It pushes you to your limits to s

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