
The Concept of Free Fall Motion

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The concept of vertical free fall motion is not a new concept at all. The country of origin for the concept of Vertical Free Fall Motion started ancient Greece by Aristotle the Greek Philosopher. This concept was later expounded upon by Galileo and Isaac Newton. Vertical Free Fall Motion is the motion of an object influenced by gravity alone. The main components that make up Vertical Free Fall Motion are the weight or the mass of an object. Another component of Vertical Free Fall Motion is that the constant is gravity, which equals 9.8 m/s. And the last two components that make up Vertical Free Fall Motion are the vertical velocity and the height of an object. Aristotle the great Greek philosopher happens to be the one who brought to light about the concept of Vertical Free Fall Motion. Aristotle was born in 384 BCE Stagirus. Aristotle’s Father Nichomachus was the physician to the king of Macedonia. Aristotle was not groomed to become a philosopher immediately when growing up. He was trained first in the field of medicine. He became involved with philosophy when he went to Athens and began studying under the tutelage of another great philosopher Plato. While under Plato, the young Aristotle learned a lot through Plato’s various lectures. “Aristotle wrote treatises covering a vast range of philosophical thought, from biology, physics, logic, science, and metaphysics to ethics, morality, aesthetics, and politics. He developed a non-Platonic theory of form, produced a system of deductive reasoning for both universal and existential statements, and theorized on the cosmos, life, matter and mind, and the "good life." There are 150 philosophical treatises thought to have been written by Aristotle, 30 of which survive today. It is not certain how many of these treatises are actually unpolished lecture notes, and it is thought that some may be the work of students from the Lyceum instead of written by the hand of Aristotle.” ( “Aristotle”5) Aristotle was believed to die in 322 B.C (Aristotle 5). Aristotle hypothesis of how Vertical Free Fall Motion is that all motion on Earth is Linear. Also another view of Aristotle was that speed in which an object falls is directly related to his mass which was later proven incorrect by Galileo (Aristotle 8). Galileo Galilei was born February 15 1564. In 1581 Galileo attended college at Pisa to study medicine. He later became more fascinated with math and science and stopped attending the university to learn more math. His skills and reputation increased in math and he began to gain a reputation as a great mathematician. He later became a teacher of mathematics in 1589 at Pisa Unive

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