We all know that somebody who likes to talk; likes to hear his or her own voice. Whether it is a friend, a family member, or even a newscaster, those people just talk to be heard. What are they really saying, though? Most of the time the answer is absolutely nothing. It is all so that their voice is heard over another and people start to pay attention to them. Now, imagine giving that person a megaphone and thinking that there is no way around not hearing this person when they speak. The conversations at the party amongst others start to form around what the person with the megaphone is saying. By the end of the party, all casual and real conversation has died due to one person with a louder voice blurting out whatever they want to talk about. In the essay, “The Braindead Megaphone” by George Saunders, the first point he makes is that a metaphor for the news media is a “storyteller” and it’s purpose is to entertain the people. Other than the news acting as a storyteller, some other important arguments Saunders makes are the ones that talk about why the government turns to the media and vice versa. Continuing from there, he discusses about how the news can cover something so unimportant, such as the malls being really crowded around the holiday season, and people will still listen even though that is something clear and evident. He states that this information is making us stupid because we are adapting to all of the stupid things that the news media tends to say. Many of his points can relate to the world today, especially in pop culture. While watching a popular show from The CW network called, Gossip Girl, the main points of Saunders essay started to come to mind. In the show, there is a gossip website called “Gossip Girl” where all of the Upper East Side gets their news. Gossip girl is an anonymous character who hides behind a computer and she never exploits who sends in information, but she does exploit people with certain proof sent to her. Every time a “blast” is sent in, people all over the city get a text about what is happening or has happened. People are addicted to reading the information that she says and they listen. The main characters of the show are all complex in their own ways and each has a reason why Gossip Girl targets them most specifically. Being rich, beautiful, and popular gives all of the characters a reason for Gossip Girl to target them. Even though the show is named Gossip Girl, the main events that happen in each episode don’t all fall around her and what she does. She acts as someone who can cause more drama in the characters lives but isn’t what the show is based around. Gossip Girl is seen through the lens of Saunders’ argument by Gossip Girl’s influence as a “storyteller”, the relationship between government and media, and making unimportant issues seem important, all which h