
My Family History

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The story of my family is an interesting one. All four of my grandparents grew up in Cairo Egypt. Shortly after the Exodus, the rise of Egyptian nationalism, all of the Jews were kicked out of Egypt including both of my parent’s families. They were robbed of almost all of their belongings, which they couldn’t smuggle out. While my mom’s family was lucky enough to smuggle out a decent amount of money, my dad’s family was only able to smuggle out a small $10,000, which ran them into money problems when they eventually came to America. After temporarily moving to France, they moved to America; my father at age 13 and my mother at age 9, little did they know their fate would intertwined. Coincidentally, my parents lived and grew up in Brooklyn only a block away from each other, but never met due to their age gap of 10 years. After high school, my father received a full ride scholarship to Columbia University for soccer, of where he attained his Engineering degree and played division 1 soccer as a goalie. He was very studious and was in a good position to become successful. My mother began working at Citibank after college. Eventually the two met at a mutual friends wedding where they hit it off and started dating. Eventually dating lead to marriage and the two had three children, my sister, the oldest, my brother, the middle child, and me the youngest. My mother quit her job to help raise our family and my dad went off into business ventures where he was screwed over by his business partner and lost a ton of money. He learned a valuable lesson in business he says; you always need to be in the know. After being unemployed for a few months and after losing a ton of money my father opened up his final business two months after I was born. It was a printing franchise called Allegra and it was a success. With the last of my family’s fortune invested into the business it was crucial that the business was a success. And it was. After

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