Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. It is very common and happens every day. Cyberbullying is harmful to the community because it can affect the victim, it makes the internet an unsafe place for children, and it could even lead to suicide. Cyberbullying is a serious problem. It affects how children act in public along with their own home. “Kids that are bullied are likely to experience anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, and poor sleep” explains Jennifer N. Caudle. What makes cyberbullying even worse is the fact that the victim won’t speak up about what is happening to them online. They feel that by keeping it to themselves, it won’t embarrass them and make them feel worse. But by keeping it bottled up inside, it does the complete opposite of what they think will happen and it makes them feel even worse. The victim of the cyberbullying can be affected many ways. Even though it may not be in person, the effects are the same as if the bullying was in person. Depression is a big outcome of cyberbullying. Depression can make them less interactive in school work which could affect their grades. Depression can also affect their eating habits by starving themselves because they don’t feel like they need to eat. It makes them feel less confident in themselves. Because they get made fun of, it makes them question themselves. They can become more sleep deprived, making them want to sleep all of the time. Cyberbullying can even make the victim turn to drugs and alcohol because they think that by using them, they will be able to escape from the bullying. Cyberbullies can make the internet an unsafe place for kids. Cyberbullies can post pictures that can hurt and embarrass you. They can spread rumors about you on the internet so that your friends and family will see them. They could impersonate you and do something that