Completing community service for 10 hours was pretty awesome. I completed it in two different places. My first choice was “Best Buddies”. The way I found out about best buddies was when Mrs. Riceberg had two special guests come to the classroom one Tuesday night. They explained it was going to be a potluck. They also mentioned it would be fun to be able to bond with special education students. They explained how having a buddy to those kids would mean anything to them. My classmate “Sha” and I thought it would be the perfect place to complete our hours for community service. I baked a cake for the event. I used blue frosting and put “Best Buddies” right in the center of the cake. Once Sha and I got there we sat down in a chair inside a room. There were many others already sat, and patiently waiting for one of the main directors to speak. Once a good majority of people were there. The same women that came to speak to us in class was speaking to us at the potluck. She showed us the same video of “best buddies” we had seen in class. The video was used as an introduction to the event. She then continued to speak about how “Best Buddies” has made such a difference to these kids’ lives. After her introduction speech was done, she then had all of us stand up and introduce our selves individually to three people in that room, which didn’t take long at all. I met a 50 year old lady that loves to knit and was actually her very first year in best buddies. Not to mention she was quite the jokester. After that we went around introducing ourselves to everyone. Slowly one by one would stand up and mention the reason why we were attending the potluck. When it was our turn, Sha and I said we were invited and figured it was the perfect event to show up on to complete our assignment. After everyone in the room spoke, we were directed outside to eat the delicious food that everyone brought. Not to mention socialize with each other