
What Are You Eating?

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Childhood obesity is on the raise both here in the US and across the world. This problem of has increased in the last ten years, and has gotten attention of even the First Lady of the Untied States. In the online stimulation play spent; you are living off a fixed income, which cause children to eat more fast foods because “health” foods are too expensive. In 2012, more than one third of children in the US were overweight or obese. With the problem on the raise and seems to keep growing, we need a plan on trying to fix this problem. The school lunches in the US are full of fats and calories. Each school has a set menu for everyday that it services lunch, but children go not go for the health choices. When I was in high school, I remember getting a regular school lunch once a week. I do know what is health and what is not, but I rather most of the time have snacks than a meal. A typical school lunch should have vegetables, protein, fruit and dairy, but most US lunches do not have this. Most children do not go for the health foods in school because it is not what they eat at home. Schools do not help promote health eating enough in 2015. Even as a college student I do not see enough education on the foods we should be eating. The US school lunches do not compare to other countries. The US lunch on a daily bases includes; a fried food, more than one starch, fruit and a cookie. This lunch is full of fats and sugars. An average lunch in Spain is, brown rice stir-fry with fresh vegetables bread and fresh fruit. The US does not want to pay the price to keep out children health. First Lady Obama started a movement called “Lets Move,” which it get children involved in eating health and exercising more. I believe we need so much more than just this in today world. As a pre-diabetic, I feel that we need more education on health foods, and how if you do not choose to eat health what could happen to your body. I would like to start and af

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