The significant idea of this article is about how power is shifting to everyone. For the old power model, it is just a one-way communication. Power is leader-driven. However, as the time passes and technology advancement, it is changing to the new power model recently. Nowadays, people have a growing participation. Our role is changing from passive to active and this is what the new power people own now. I agree with the article that the new power change the model of consumption of ideas and goods. Compared to people’s consumption model in the past, people are playing an active role now. Also, the technology advancement (internet) makes power shift to everyone. The participation scale mentioned in the article showed how power is shift to everyone in today environment. 1) Consuming People in the past relied on newspaper, magazine and advertisement to receive ideas and information about the goods. 2) Sharing and Shaping People can share their thoughts and feedback on blog or Facebook. 3) Funding Internet also becomes an area to promote funding. For examples, the Ice-bucket challenge function that promotion in the internet last year. It encouraged people to accept the challenge and also make donation. 4) Producing People share other people’s effort and contribute their own. One example is the Youtuber. They upload videos teaching people some make-up skills. 5) Co-Owning Everyone can edit the information. Wekipedia is a good example representing the concept of co-owning. Everyone including you and me can edit any information one want in the web. Under the new power condition, business opportunity is everywhere. Like the E-Commerce, Nike allows customers to tailor-made their sport shoes. This can increase the customers’ participation. This is a gimmick that can attract customer to use their products under the new power model. And online shop is a very common nowadays. As the business entrance is low, people can start up with