“But she had been whipped like a cur dog, and run off down a back road after things.” - Zora Neale Hurston In "Their Eyes Were Watching God," Janie struggles to find her voice because it had been overpowered by larger voices. Throughout the course of the novel, Janie is married to three men, Logan Killicks, Joe Starks, and Tea Cake Woods. Each one of the men had their own way of dealing with Janie which either pushed her away or brought them closer. All three of these men shaped Janie’s independence and voice through their time spent with her. Mr. Logan Killicks was Janie’s first husband. At the beginning of their marriage, Logan would speak in rhymes (false words) to Janie, but that soon ended once Janie resisted his attempts to command her. Logan saw Janie as “de mule uh de world” (Hurston 14). Logan had the idea that marriage was a man dominating a woman, and that women are objects to put to use. He even directly implies this to her by saying, “You ain’t got no particular place. It’s wherever Ah need yuh. Git uh move on yuh, and dat quick.” (Hurston 31). Janie saw Logan as a very ugly old man, and he was not compatible with her youthful beauty. Janie invisions Logan as a "desecration" of her vision of true love, which is based on her experience underneath the blossoming pear tree. He represents the obverse of her notion of love, and Janie goes into the marriage with doubt. This leads into the decomposition of their marriage. Logan is a sullen emotionally destitute character, so therefore when Janie threatens to leave him he obtains a sincere fear but does not know how to respond. Also, since the fear is brought on by a woman he did not want to address it directly, leaving him vulnerable. So, Logan belittled Janie’s threat and dismissed it. As a result, Janie feels as if Logan is heartless and does not see her worth, so she leaves him to marry Joe Starks. The ambitious Joe Starks is Janie’s second husband.