From middle 17th century to the 18th century, Europe was transitioning from feudal society to socialism. In the early 16th century, the rapid growth of bourgeois forces and the impact of Renaissance, the Reformation brought people rebelliousness and humanism ideas. Meanwhile, the Reformation and Counter-Reformation movement never stopped, and it entangled with the bourgeois revolution. All of these backgrounds bring a huge impact for Bach’s musical creation, and it becomes his unique musical style. Bach’s music comes to all music genres except opera in the Baroque era. His works are mainly religious and polyphony. He uses Lutheran chorale and organ as his core musically creative material. Moreover, he deeply influenced by the bourgeois enlightenment, which makes his works full of rich emotion and bold innovation. Bach’s organ works mainly use prelude and fugue, triple sonatas and chorale prelude. The most popular form of Baroque music is putting a prelude and a fugue together. And Bach’s works are the pinnacle of this form. Toccata and Fugue in D minor is one of master piece from Bach’s organ works. As the title implied, it includes toccata and fugue as two parts. Toccata is a fast paced and skillful keyboard music composition with full chords and rapid elaborate runs in a rhythmically free style. The song begins with a flexible but heavy keyboard sound, it gives us a solemn and tragic feeling. Commenced this tragic tone, then comes with three sections of relatively complete music. The first two are free variation, the third part is integrated with the overall development of the music. These three parts of music gradually become emotionally higher and higher, at the end of toccata, it reaches the climax. Fugue in the second part of the music is very unique. Bach instead of using rigorous and complex melody (as he usually does), he makes it improvisational, which is a pretty rare form in the fugue music. Obviously, Bach uses