If you were to ask a teenager in today’s society if they would rather read a textbook or skim through Apps, my bet would the latter. Smart phones have just become a new phenomenon and have changed the way people live their everyday lives. Today’s society is surrounded by technology whether it’s using the Internet, searching apps on your smart phone, or reading a book on your Kindle. In today’s world, teenagers have actually learned from their “smart” phones, not just because you have access to anything and everything at your finger tips but because most teenagers like to learn when its in a way that they can relate to more, not just from reading a textbook or sitting in a lecture. Smart phones allow you to have access to different things from all over the world, it keeps you connected with social and world issues on the go without having to go to the store to buy a newspaper or be near a television. From my own experience getting an iPhone helped me to learn what is going on in the world around me. Before getting the iPhone I never read the newspaper or watched the news on television; since getting the iPhone I have downloaded so many different apps that can help me with learning not just games to entertain me. I read articles on Discovery Channel and read about the presidential candidates on the news app. Having a smart phone isn’t just to play games or text your friends; smart phones can do almost anything. If my teacher assigned homework that used apps on my smart phone and were educational but also interactive and fun, I would be more eager to do my assignment than if I just had to read from a textbook. Teenagers do not really care what they are doing on their phones just as long as they are doing something that makes them happy. In the essay “Engaging Youth in Social Media: Is Facebook the New Media Frontier?” Christine Greenhow and Jeff Reifman talk about different ways they can persuade young people to critically engage in reading news and conversing about it on Facebook. Facebook has come up with a youth oriented App called Hot Dish. Hot Dish is wh