
Basic Methods of Distance Learning

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In today's rapid pace of technological developments and techniques and learning new patterns have been introduced to help maximize input acceptance and effectiveness of learning itself at once across barriers of time, distance and limits the ability of ordinary people. As is well known for using modern technology in open and distance learning teaching and learning has entered a new dimension. Conventional learning system is a learning process where the learning process is done the old way in the delivery of education instructors still rely on lectures. In general, Conventional learning system is learning which, is more on the teacher. As a result, the practice of teaching and learning that is less than optimal because the teacher makes passive students in learning activities and learning. The method is often used in Conventional learning system include expository. Students not only listen and make notes. Teachers with students practice completing exercises and students ask if you do not understand. Teachers can check student work individually, explain again to the individual student or classical. Students work on their own or exercise can ask her or told teachers working on the board. Open distance learning system, has become an important part of the education in most countries around the world. A sharp contrast between Open distance learning systems the regular education is emphasized the regular education face communication, while minimizing Open distance learning system interaction between lecturers and students and among students. In accordance with the industrial development of today's modern technology, Open distance learning system roles have evolved towards an opportunity for the people who worked to obtain qualifications, skills and knowledge. A Distance Learning System enables you to earn and study at the same time. Not everyone has the luxury of taking time off to finish their studies. This is a great opportunity to pursue higher education if you may have missed out before due to financial constraints or other reasons. Conventional Learning System environments are more structured than distance learning programs and provide face-to-face contact with fellow students and professors. Flexibility Distance Learning System - One of the most im

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