Everyone faces stress every single day. At a work place, stress can easily affect a person’s work-life balance. People get stressed in these environments from almost anything such as trying to meet a deadline, figuring out a solution to a problem, role-conflicts, interpersonal problems and dealing with too many tasks demands. People experience stress when there are stuck in a situation where it seems out of their control. In society, people are also constantly pressured by their peers. In a business world, people are pressured by their boss or co-workers to do well on their given tasks and performances. Because I am terrible at managing my own stress, I wrote down solutions on how to handle stress and pressure in a business environment. Pressure can either break you or make you. I have always worked great under pressure. It is a positive reinforce on me and it is something that motivates me to do better. But in a high-pressure environment, it is sometimes hard to keep pressure as a positive factor. Stress occurs when the amount of pressure you are under exceeds your ability to work effectively. When I am stressed, I tend to get very anxious and worry about how stressed I am and it prevents me from being productive. I waste a lot of time reacting to stress than acting on it. Therefore the most important thing I can do to handle stress is to not stress too much about stress itself. When a difficult situation arises at work, I can take a deep breath and believe that I can do it instead of stressing on the fact that something went wrong. I will focus on what I can do to make the situation better. I should always be prepared for any potential stressful situations at work. Part of preparing for this is to plan ahead of time. It is always safer to start the project ahead of time and consider extra time for delays and unpredictable happenings because there will always be a possibility that plans will change. I should also make sure that I