This article talks about how after 35 years, scientists have determined that the earth’s ozone layer has started to recover. This is most likely due to the phase out of harmful gasses that were used in coolants and aerosol cans. Out of many of these gases the most harmful one was CFC’s (man-made chlorofluorocarbons) which released chlorine and bromine that destroy the ozone molecules. This article reports that from 2000-2013 that the ozone levels went up 4%. The ozone layer is what protects us from solar radiation. Solar radiation is what causes skin cancer that would have an effect on human geography and also cause crop damage that affects the earth’s physical geography. In fact the United Nations had done calculations and came to the conclusion that had it not been for the 1987 pact that phased out CFC’s, by 2030 there would have been an extra 2 million skin cancer cases in the world year round. I liked this article because by making this easy to understand and presenting the information in the right order the reader can make people more educated about what is happening to the earth’s atmosphere. This is good because people can end up researching more into the topic as I ended up doing after reading this article. In my own research I found that after CFC’s were banned, the world had started developing other fluorinated gases as replacements such as HCFC’s. HCFC’s had a similar affect to our ozone layer and so development of a third substitution had started. So finally the most recent iteration was made, HFC’s which are still problematic due to the fact they trap greenhouse gases. So while we are having success with the ozone layer we are building greenhouse gasses. In fact fluorinated gases contribute 3% percent of greenhouse gasses; carbon dioxide contributes an astounding 82% and methane contributes 9% Something that intrigued me in this article was that scientists have said that the development of the ozone la