
Taking Risks and Reaping Rewards

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Life is all about taking risks, but does the risk always outweigh the reward? Well that’s up to the person to decide. I believe that in life you must take risks in order to achieve happiness and respect. Although I have not yet achieved anything great I have still taken risks that have made me into the person I am today. For the last few years, I have been able to navigate through life with very little resistance. There are many contributing attitudes and perspectives that help day to day, but in those times of making very difficult decisions, if I would of used the risk vs. reward system I would have been a lot better off. Just as an example I will use a real life problem that almost everyone has came face to face with. I drive to a party and have a few drinks. I’m not necessarily drunk, but could potentially blow over the limit should I get pulled over. I think about how much of a pain it would be to pay for a cab, and have to get back to my car in the morning but by weighing the potential risk versus the potential reward, the decision is obvious. Potential Risk – Get pulled over, lose license, or even worse, hurt someone. Potential Reward – Save $15 on a cab, don’t have to worry about getting my car in the morning. In this situation the risks outweigh the reward. Sure I might drive home with no problems, but is it worth the risk? This is just one example among millions you can apply the Risk vs. Reward strategy to just about every decision in life. It’s not always necessary to apply and analyze which choice is best but if you come across a “difficult” decision, analyzing through both potential choices and outcomes can help make it very clear, which route is best. You may say to me that it is good to take risks and I would not try to argue with you. It is definitely important to take risks in order to achieve goals in life, but by playing through the potentials of any situation, you also eliminate any chance of

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