The Indonesian language plays an important role as the unifying language of Indonesia. In order to modernize Indonesian language, the government continues to conduct various efforts, including enhancing the function of Indonesian as an international language (Law no. 24 of 2009). This paper discusses about the credibility of Indonesian to be an international language. Some authors claim that Indonesian has the potencies. Nevertheless, some authors argue that those potencies have not been put into benefit. Furthermore, according to Crystal (2003), a country needs to have a strong influent particularly in the economy, politic and military aspects, so that its language worldwide. Based on the website of the Language Agency of Kemendikbud, Indonesian has met the criteria to be an international language. One of the criteria is Indonesian has an advanced language system level which is considered equal with English and can be used for scientific language. In this website, Widodo (2014) explains, this can be seen from the enactment of Indonesian standards as set out in EYD (spelling standardization) and Tata Baku Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian grammar). Then, the number of Indonesian vocabularies increases significantly in every revision of KBBI (Indonesian Great Dictionary) along with Indonesian dictionary of terms, thesaurus and glossary for many scientific fields. Unfortunately, this advantage has not been fully exploited by Indonesian people. This is caused by the lack of concern and respect for Indonesian language. There are several factors related to this issue (Suwardjono, 2008). First, because it has become the mother tongue, many Indonesian people feel no need to learn Indonesian language. It causes Indonesian is being used in inappropriate way. Second, the lack of foreign scientific resources translated in Indonesian causes some students trying to master a certain foreign language to gain more knowledge. Compare with some countries in