My head felt like it was going to detonate. The beat of my heart echoed in my head with agonizing pain. My palms, forehead, and upper lip began forming beads of sweat that eventually raced off my skin and onto the floor like bullets. My stomach was doing flips and making sounds as if it was waking up out of a deep sleep with a bad attitude. The bathroom called out my name, so I rushed to it in a hurry. I asked myself was I dying? As absurd of a question it may sound, the concept was not so farfetched. The truth is I was directing my body down a path that only leads to destruction. In 1994, genetically modified food was introduced to the U.S as a new and improved way to farm. Genetically modified foods can be defined as a crop whose genetic makeup can be changed through recombinant DNA, or gene splitting (Mollar). Now it is estimated that nearly seventy-five percent or more of all processed foods found in a grocery store contains ingredients from some type of genetically processed crop (Mollar). Due to the rapid increase of population, food is at a premium. To meet this need, genetic engineering was created to produce a greater yield and crops to create their own insecticide. However, overtime, numerous dangers have been discovered that could result in the demise of our population. In order to assure human health and environmental benefits for future generations, genetic modification in foods has to be eliminated. We live in a society that is wealth hungry. People work ridiculous hours, numerous jobs, and overtime just so they can buy their favorite pair of shoes or in some cases simply put food on the table. Major corporations advertise constantly so that consumers buy their product to bring in more revenue. Corporations do not always develop products for individuals, instead, for the population. Many search for the easiest and cheapest ways to develop a product, regardless of the effects on humans. Take for instance, tobacco companies; it is obvious they do not care about the health of individuals. Smoking cigarettes is one of the most harmful situations to put one’s body in, but people continue to buy their product so companies like Marlboro continue to sell it. Similarly, food companies are searching for the same kind of results. They have started to insert genetically modified ingredients into their products to aid in shelf life, taste, and appeal ability. Part of the reason is due to humans, because they want the biggest and tastiest foods that they can buy for the cheapest price. Unfortunately, consumers will receive what they pay for. Furthe