
The Causes of Global Warming

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Global Warming negatively affects the natural balance and bio-capacity of the environment. The world climate is changing dramatically every day. There are many causes of Global Warming. For example, the deforestation and burning down of forests, heavy traffic in the city streets, rapid production of industries, the use of detergents and fossil fuels, etc. An example of fossil fuels released into the atmosphere is factories produce air pollution which gets mixed with air and increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Overpopulation and deforestation are the main factors of Global Warming. The causes of Global Warming are endless! Burning of gas such as Methane and fuel in cars also increase Carbon emission in the atmosphere. Killing of animals that are near extinction is also a significant cause of Global Warming. The effects of Global Warming are very dangerous for our human existence and survival. The Sun’s radiant heat comes to Earth in a direct way and the atmosphere to damaged to block the sun’s heat waves. Therefore, the Earth’s surface becomes seriously heated which will have a huge effect on the things we depend on for a living. For example, agriculture, forestry, and fishery is seriously be damaged. This can reduce mankind’s ability to grow foods and destroy wildlife. Global Warming also causes the temperature of sea-water to increase. All species are vital for maintaining ecological balance. If one is lost, the whole natural environment gets effected. To prevent the dangerous effects of Global Warming necessary processes should immediately be taken by the people of the world and the United Nations. I believe the way to prevent Global Warming is to stop the big corporations from cutting and burning off trees which causes deforestation. Instead they should be advised and suggested to plant more trees in accordance with their capability and convenience. Forests control the natural balance of the environment and wha

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