Abstract Does political orientation influence or effect one’s ability to meet a mate? The study conducted consisted of 119 participants who were surveyed after looking at a hypothetical online dating profile. Participants were asked to fill out a preliminary survey, look at a profile of man or woman depending on the gender they preferred, and answer questions related to what they thought of the online dater. The results of the following study suggested that there are no significant differences between men and women that political orientation plays when contacting or responding to someone. However, there was a significant difference found for how good of a match participants rated that person would be. Therefore, the study conducted suggest that political orientation does influence and/or effect one’s ability to meet a mate. The Relationship between Political Orientation and Mating Political orientation is a good topic to study because it is controversial and a relevant topic in America, as well as in the world. Also, political orientation is a major characteristic and trait in our society, and is important in our culture. There are many people whose lives revolve around politics, and almost everyone in our society has a political view or belief. Many view political orientation as a deal breaker in friendships, relationships, and people they surround themselves with (Figueredo, 2006). Furthermore, politics are important because they influence behavior, beliefs, values, and the way many perceive the world. In our society, politics are a topic that many get excited about, and one’s beliefs often come up in daily conversations. Studies have suggested that people connect more with others that they share beliefs, traits, and values with (Figueredo, 2006). Numerous authors have researched the characteristics that people look for when choosing a romantic partner, and political orientation is one of these traits (Alford, 2011). The following studies suggest that there is a connection between political orientation and mating (Alford, 2011). One study suggested that both male and females search for mates who have the same political view and other traits as them (Figueredo, 2006). This makes senses considering people often want to share the same morals, values, and beliefs as the people they surround themselves with, and especially people that they are in a relationship with. Another study concluded that individuals tend to choose mates based on physical and psychological similarities (Delgado, 1996). Political orientation is a psychological belief which may explain why couples and mates often have similar political beliefs and related traits in common. An original study concluded that politics play a role in how we select our mates, and what kind of mate we select (Alford, 2011). This study analyzed data of thousands of spouses throughout the United States, to determine the political interaction between sexual mates. Their findings suggested that physical and personality trait correlations were insignificant among the spouses, but political attitude correlations were the strongest of all social traits (Alford, 2011). Furthermore, their findings suggested political similarities of spouses’ stems from initial mate choice, and not from persuading their mate or accommodating each other throughout their relationship. These results strengthen the hypothesis that there is a connection between political orientation and mating, and provides evidence that people consider political orientation when considering a potential mate. Our st