
The Existence of God and Contradictory Science

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Darwinian evolution and religion are not objective things that are imposed upon us, but the idea of evolution and religion conflict the creation of the universe. It furthers the notion that one’s interpretation of belief changes their perspective on scientific debate. Some people believe in the Big Bang Theory while some believe that God do exist. But is it possible for them to coexist? The belief that there are major differences in science and religion and that the two can never coexist challenges the statement that science is in fact evidence that religious views are correct. In “In the Forests of Gombes,” by Jane Goodall, the author further explains that existence of god helps give answer to the questions that science fails to mention. Even though she supports both, science and religion, the author still sometimes questions her own beliefs. Some people believe that science and religion have co existed to explain the origin of the universe. Further proof and explanations from science and religion creates more confusion and interrupts how one views the scientific controversy. Science is thoroughly based on observations and hypothesis. As science and technology advances, it is harder and harder to have faith in religion. Anything that can be proven by a finite mind is easier to believe due to the presence of evidence. In Goodall’s words, “All of these amazing discoveries have led to a belief that every wonder of the natural world and of the universe-indeed, of infinity and time-can be understood through the logic and the reasoning of a finite mind” (149). The author believed in logic reasoning which the religion system fails to provide. Biology proves everything from the start of universe to the creation of us, humans, millions of years later. It is why for most people it is easier to replace science with religion. According to the Goodall, “To believe in God, in the human soul, and in life after death is simply a despera

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