Gender inequality has been an issue since the longest time. Women seem to be more affected than men by this problem. Throughout history women have been discriminated in many ways. They had very little independence and they were underestimated in their society. People always misunderstand the difference between sex and gender. Sex is “biological classification (male or female) based on chromosomes, gonads, internal reproductive organs, and external genitalia.” (West and Zimmerman 1987). While gender is “the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex.” (West and Zimmerman 1987). Being a citizen of a globalized world, it is one’s responsibility to live in a world that treats both genders equally. The disparity between genders is an issue that has been discussed thoroughly and at great lengths all around the world. For the longest time, women, whom society perceives as the weaker sex, have been struggling to be recognized and be given the same rights that have been accorded to men. What kind of awareness initiatives and programs can be put in place to keep women in Egypt safe and able to exercise their roles as citizens in a society where the authorities deny them as a basic human right? Egypt being a third world country, it faces a lot of gender inequalities especially, in Upper Egypt, where people are very conservative in their religiosity. These parts of population, who live in Upper Egypt, are called “Saiida”. They have traditions and beliefs that differentiate them from the rest of the population who live in urban areas. In Upper Egypt, the man plays an important role due to the different cultural beliefs and the different lifestyle. Male is always a dominant, the man is the head of the household and is responsible for supporting the family. On the other hand, the wife’s job is only taking care of the children, do the housework, and make sure everything is prepared for her husband. In addition, in some areas women still do not appear in public w