
High School Students and Healthy Eating

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The younger a person is, the better their metabolism will be. Having a bad diet for a high school student is a very common thing because his or her body can handle it. As a person grows older, his or her metabolism is not going to work as well as it did when they were younger. Not to mention if they are still eating like they would if they were a teenager, then weight gain will happen. When students graduate high school and come to college, they tend to be less active. There is more effort and time needed to put towards classes that when students do have free time, all they want to do is relax and eat. I can vouch for that because that is exactly how I feel once I'm finished with all of my homework. It is very common for students to get in the routine of eat, sleep, homework, and relax. With this being said, there usually isn't enough time for exercise and the repeating routine will go on for months. Then months down the road, first year students would experience the "freshman fifteen". The freshman fifteen is when I student experiences college for the first time and gains fifteen pounds because of the altered lifestyle. How do you think we could minimize the chances of students undergoing the freshman fifteen? The answer is changing the food varieties and food ingredients at our buffet places. This is the most effective way to fix this problem because the food at the buffet places is what they are eating, maintaining a person's weight consists of 70% diet and only 30% exercise, and all the unhealthy food the students are eating is causing them to be lazy which is potentially leading them to weight gain. Changing the food variety and food ingredients that you are serving to your students at the buffet building is the best way to fix this problem because this is the food that is offered to them. The students here at Bowling Green State University eat this food every single day. Because they are eating this food everyday, the are satisfying their appetites with your high calories and extremely fattening food. Not to mention the fact that it is a buffet so therefore they are potentially eating multiple plates of this unhealthy food. I can understand your reasoning for making these types of food because you are trying to serve a variety of students that contain of variety of food taste. There are possible ways to serve a variety of healthy meals that all students would enjoy. Some examples would include more grilled chicken instead of fried chicken. Possibly more steamed vegetables and make it more of a variety of vegetables instead of just steamed broccoli and cauliflower. Even just adding a section of healthy meals would work because most of the meals served around dinner time are very unhealthy and high in fat calories. Students, especially college students, eat a lot. So why not make the food that they are consuming healthy for their bodies. Another reason as to why changing the food served at the buffet places is most effective toward fixing this problem is because in order to stay in shape or even lose weight people need to be eating the right food. If people don't, then he or she will gain weight, especially if they are not being active and exercising. It definitely is possible to stay in sh

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