From 1965 through 1970 the United States was filled with sex, drugs, and alcohol during Woodstock. Blood, sweat, and tears during the Vietnam War. Segregation, protests, and violence during the Civil Rights Movement. But in the midst of all the war, drugs, and the fight for civil rights was Audrey Hepburn, an icon to young actresses, who is still an icon today. A woman that survived World War II, starred in many successive movies and a couple of Broadway productions, while going through countless miscarriages and divorces. On May 4th, 1929 in Brussels, Belgium, one of the world’s most influential icons whose legacy still influences culture today was born. Born Audrey Kathleen Ruston to her father a Nazi sympathizer, who left during her childhood, and her mother a banker. Ruston spent most of her childhood in a boarding school in England. During World War II, Ruston studied at the Arnhem Conservatory in the Netherlands. When the Nazis invaded the Netherlands she adopted a pen name Edda van Heemstra. Once the war was over her mother moved her and Audrey to London. In London, Ruston changed her name to Audrey Hepburn. Although, Hepburn was trained as a ballerina, she transitioned to the world of acting because of the larger paycheck. Hepburn’s first starring role was on Broadway in Gigi. “Hepburn became an instant celebrity in the 1953 film Roman Holiday starring opposite Gregory Peck” (Cox). Audrey Hepburn was John F, Kennedy’s favorite actress. Audrey was said to get along well with her co-stars, despite rumors about her being a primmadonna and “having a rivalry with fellow actress Julia Andrews” (Cox). In 1965, Audrey Hepburn worked with director William Wyler in Paris for the film How to Steal a Million. Hepburn became pregnant after shooting How to Steal a Million by her husband of the time Mel Ferrer, but miscarries. In 1966, after turning down many scripts, she accepts to film Two for the Road. In 1967 Audrey shoot